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Our live training programmes

Effective, interactive ánd inspiring


Your organisation benefits from employees who can communicate and work together well. In order to do that, an employee needs insight in his own behaviour and that of someone else.

Effective Communication

Provide your employees insights on their own communication style and its effectiveness during our Effective Communication training!

Efficient Self Management

Many positions within an organisation ask for self-reliant and independent employees. With the Efficient Self Management training you will get them started!

How to deal with difficult conversations

Your employees on the shop floor frequently face difficult situations and conflicting interests. Good communication skills can help them to resolve the situation.

Professional Presentation

Your organisation benefits from staff that can tell their stories professionally. This training Professional Presentation will offer them the right tools!

Self-awareness in your role

To be successful in their work, it is important for your employees to have a good relationship with their contact persons. Our training ‘Self-awareness in your role’ offers the right tools and guidance!

Situational Leadership

A leadership style can have a big impact on your employees’ performance. During our Situational Leadership training your managers learn exactly what your staff and organisation need!


It is important for your retail people to have a good story to tell. By doing so, they tie customers and prospects to your organisation, product and/ or service. Storytelling is key!

Successful Negotiation

Would you like your sales people to be flawless negotiators? Then our train Successful Negotiation is exactly what they need!